Dec 2008
v2.0 Release Candidate 2
27/December/2008 archived in:Announcements
PLCEdit v2.0 release candidate 2 is released today.
Today we try it again. I’m sorry for the last release.
It was very flawed and I’ve disabled the download.
Some minor changes in the class PageCtrl causes
a lot of painful bugs. With the current fixes in the file
opening and file storge routines it should be done.
The new version was tested very hard and with all
sorts of nonsens - hopefully it was enough this time.
It seems there is a problem with Qt 4.x and the Mac
metal styled toolbar on Mac OS 10.5.x systems.
If PLCEdit crashes on your system, please contact
me - you’ll get a version without the metal toolbar.
The actual todo list:
-enable POU info dialog for KW-Soft description
section (done)
- fixing some minor bugs, wich are still hiding
- preparing the app and the docu for the release
Today we try it again. I’m sorry for the last release.
It was very flawed and I’ve disabled the download.

Some minor changes in the class PageCtrl causes
a lot of painful bugs. With the current fixes in the file
opening and file storge routines it should be done.
The new version was tested very hard and with all
sorts of nonsens - hopefully it was enough this time.
It seems there is a problem with Qt 4.x and the Mac
metal styled toolbar on Mac OS 10.5.x systems.
If PLCEdit crashes on your system, please contact
me - you’ll get a version without the metal toolbar.
The actual todo list:
- fixing some minor bugs, wich are still hiding
- preparing the app and the docu for the release
v2.0 Release Candidate 1
23/December/2008 archived in:Announcements
PLCEdit v2.0 release candidate 1 is released today.
it’s cristmas time...
I think it is time to freeze the current development status
after two betas. PLCEdit has reached the same amount
of functionality as v0.9.9 with the old development toolkit.
Some new features are also included. The handling of
CoDeSys v2.3.x .EXP files was improved - I think it was
a knock-out criterion for this version.
What's left or missing in this version?
The crc checksum support for Sucosoft POU files gives me
a headache. I don’t know if it will be done for version 2.0.
Next, I have some ideas about translating the Moeller function
block calls into CoDeSys (and other distributions) compliant
calls. A menu to include/call function blocks wich are opened
in PLCEdit is one of my favorites. At least it would be nice to
have a file comparison function.
I think this are good milestones for version 2.1 and up.
The actual todo list:
- fixing some minor bugs, wich are still hiding

I think it is time to freeze the current development status
after two betas. PLCEdit has reached the same amount
of functionality as v0.9.9 with the old development toolkit.
Some new features are also included. The handling of
CoDeSys v2.3.x .EXP files was improved - I think it was
a knock-out criterion for this version.
What's left or missing in this version?
The crc checksum support for Sucosoft POU files gives me
a headache. I don’t know if it will be done for version 2.0.
Next, I have some ideas about translating the Moeller function
block calls into CoDeSys (and other distributions) compliant
calls. A menu to include/call function blocks wich are opened
in PLCEdit is one of my favorites. At least it would be nice to
have a file comparison function.
I think this are good milestones for version 2.1 and up.
The actual todo list:
- fixing some minor bugs, wich are still hiding
v2.0b Dev Report No. 6
10/December/2008 archived in:PLCEdit News
A lot of work was done. And there is only one
open issue from the last ToDo list.
Now its around christmas timeand maybe the
CoDeSys problem is to much to solve it during
the last days of this year. I want to include the
fix in RC1 ... I’m sorry, but you have to wait.
If you want a fixed batch convert I would please
you to download the linux file. It includes the
latest stable source, which could be compiled
easily „at home“ or ask me for an executable.
I have updated the project website. It shows
now a docs menu, which contains a changelog
and holds links for the FAQ and the Help.
The actual todo list:
-better CoDeSys support (done)
-disabled menu items greyed out (done)
(- Sucosoft checksum support (n/a))
open issue from the last ToDo list.
Now its around christmas time
CoDeSys problem is to much to solve it during
the last days of this year
fix in RC1 ... I’m sorry, but you have to wait.
If you want a fixed batch convert I would please
you to download the linux file. It includes the
latest stable source, which could be compiled
easily „at home“ or ask me for an executable.
I have updated the project website. It shows
now a docs menu, which contains a changelog
and holds links for the FAQ and the Help.
The actual todo list:
(- Sucosoft checksum support (n/a))