Feb 2009
Release v2.0.1
26/February/2009 archived in:Announcements
Today version 2.0.1 is released, caused from some
small bugs, mostly regarding the user interface.
Only the CoDeSys enahncement is a significant
innovation. Existing VISU sections will now readed
and included to the page.
small bugs, mostly regarding the user interface.
Only the CoDeSys enahncement is a significant
innovation. Existing VISU sections will now readed
and included to the page.
Final Release v2.0.0
23/February/2009 archived in:Announcements
Today I proudly present the final release of PLCEdit
It was a long way to develop the codebase for version 2 of
this great application. In summer 2007 I’ve started to rewrite
the source by using Trolltech’s Qt GUI toolkit.
Now it is February 2009 and only the GUI structure of the
codebase for version 1 is nearly the same. The rest is more
or less completely new. At least I’ve created a svn repository
at sourceforge.net, for a more transparent development.
What are the highlights of codebase v2?
--> PLCEdit is platform independent!
--> PLCEdit got some great functions in addition to v1!
--> PLCEdit is more compatible to the supported file types!
--> ...and PLCEdit is opensource!
Some bugs are still alive, but there should be nothing to make
PLCEdit unusable for you.
At least, thanks to all people who helped me with Qt and who
have tested & used PLCEdit over the last years!
The actual todo list:
- spend some time with my wife
- visit my motorcycle
- dedusting my camera
It was a long way to develop the codebase for version 2 of
this great application. In summer 2007 I’ve started to rewrite
the source by using Trolltech’s Qt GUI toolkit.
Now it is February 2009 and only the GUI structure of the
codebase for version 1 is nearly the same. The rest is more
or less completely new. At least I’ve created a svn repository
at sourceforge.net, for a more transparent development.
What are the highlights of codebase v2?
--> PLCEdit is platform independent!
--> PLCEdit got some great functions in addition to v1!
--> PLCEdit is more compatible to the supported file types!
--> ...and PLCEdit is opensource!
Some bugs are still alive, but there should be nothing to make
PLCEdit unusable for you.
At least, thanks to all people who helped me with Qt and who
have tested & used PLCEdit over the last years!

The actual todo list:
- spend some time with my wife
- visit my motorcycle
- dedusting my camera
v2.0b Dev Report No. 7
08/February/2009 archived in:PLCEdit News
The items of the last ToDo list are finished and now
we have
a feature freeze and a code freeze. The freeze will be testet
the following weeks. So, hopefully v2.0 can be released at the
beginning of March 2009.
Some words about the current source:
PLCEdit seems to have some problems with Siemens Step7
sources. I’ll try to fix it, but it would be nice to get some help.
Sometimes PLCEdit’s open routine is very slow for big or
many files. Regarding this I have add a progressbar, which
will be shown during the file open process and if the batch
routine runs, too.
An often asked feature was a possibility to insert function
blocks with its call model into a page. The answer is the
new class FBDialog
The dialog allows to insert opened function blocks from a list,
by using a page-correct call model for all supported sources.
The actual todo list:
- testing the current source
-fixing Siemens Step7 bugs (done)
- preparing the app and the docu for the release
a feature freeze and a code freeze. The freeze will be testet
the following weeks. So, hopefully v2.0 can be released at the
beginning of March 2009.
Some words about the current source:
PLCEdit seems to have some problems with Siemens Step7
sources. I’ll try to fix it, but it would be nice to get some help.
Sometimes PLCEdit’s open routine is very slow for big or
many files. Regarding this I have add a progressbar, which
will be shown during the file open process and if the batch
routine runs, too.
An often asked feature was a possibility to insert function
blocks with its call model into a page. The answer is the
new class FBDialog

The dialog allows to insert opened function blocks from a list,
by using a page-correct call model for all supported sources.
The actual todo list:
- testing the current source
- preparing the app and the docu for the release